Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 27 May 2014


Here are the stars for June - presumably any June? - from the Guardian

June is usually a rather stressful month - too many family birthdays, friends' birthdays to forget and festivities. At the end of the month the students start arriving.  We are still not rich enough to drop that task, so I should really be spending June creating vast tons of chili and shepherds' pie base and cakes and so on for the freezer.  First difficulty this year, we have an Arab student for 3 weeks - but no real worries - just 3 pork-free weeks.  Hope he'll stay and be nice, and not be one of the rather superior ones who despises us kaffirs!

But before all that, there are 3 pieces of work for Mark - could the business finally be coming back - or is it the marketing burst he's done?  Firstly a few days in Cambridge, then (probably) a job in Ramsgate - then finally a few days in Bedford.  We won't be paid until late July -  but then I think things will be looking up quite a bit.

Before all that excitement, Mark has an interview with the company who make Coast for the BBC to talk about the WW2 defences at Pegwell Bay - it isn't guaranteed that he will be on the programme - but it's a good prospect and there will be a small fee - equivalent to about a day's work I guess. It would be a useful contact for him if he wants to pitch a documentary idea to them about elephants.

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