Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 5 November 2012

Child abuse rumours - Leon Brittan? - censorship

[Published in November 2012 - withdrawn when people began to mutter about defamation]

Well, the Savile business seems to have flushed a few other issues out.  The North Wales children's home business was investigated a decade or so ago - in secret.  "lessons were learned" etc. etc. but no action was taken.  It is now being widely bruited about that a "senior conservative politician" has been named in connection with this scandal - hence the censorship of the outcome of the investigation?

I am now wondering whether the politican involved was Leon Brittan - there were rumours that he was a paedophile during the 80's - like all these rumours, one is too far from the source to know whether it has any veracity. I am now guilty of the usual internet crime of sticking an unsubstantiated opinion up.  Since I posted this this morning, this post has had the most hits in one day, and is approaching most hits ever.  I don't think this is a good thing, because it isn't about something that's true - only a rumour.    It hasn't been said that the politician was a Cabinet Minister - it may turn out to be someone who was "senior" in a less obvious way - a treasurer or chairman of the region - part of the party structure rather than someone so public.  A little light research reveals that all the other sources of this story are blogs of varying degrees of credibility.  It is hard to separate what people strongly believe from what is factually accurate sometimes, the levels of outrage and conviction are high - even if the evidence is ?  What?  Rumour and hearsay - but they turned out to be true about JS.

Looking the Tory Cabinet of the 1980s there were any number of people who might have been creepy enough to be molesting children as well as buggering the UK economy.  Candidate for most creepy?  Well, Keith Joseph obviously, and Norman Tebbit; LB might have to be up there though.   If it were him, would that harm the career of his protegee Nick Clegg?  Can his career be any further harmed?

It will be interesting to see who this politician is, since I am sure the name will come out sooner or later.

I have been reading Nick Cohen's excellent book on censorship, You can't read this book - and while I don't suppose my blog is widely read in government circles, I have carefully edited this post since this morning.

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