Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 25 May 2015


The main flowerbed in late May - a few years ago.

I was trying to think about why May is so utterly gorgeous - already the blossoms on the fruit trees are over, and the roses are just beginning.   What is so beautiful about it is that while one watches the blossoms fade and fruit beginning to set, one can also clusters of buds, roses, honeysuckle, pinks preparind to flower in the next few weeks.  Still lots of potential even while things are already looking wonderful.  

 In the last few days I have just about begun to shake off the post-election disappointment, although one friend who voted Tory rang up today because she fancied a political discussion, ended up so annoyed with me that she has de-friended me on FB.... I suggested we agree to differ three times and tried to change the subject, but she wasn't having it.    Over many years of political life I have heard all the arguments - I can't see myself having a Damascene conversion to the Tories at this stage.      Meanwhile, between bouts of gardening, drinking and socialising I am getting on with the book - I have nearly 50,000 words on The Malice of Fairies - and that is really encouraging.  I don't want it to be much longer than about 80-85,000 words.  I've got most of the plot sketched out - so it should be straightforward to write it.  I guess I could do it at a gallop by the end of June - but I think I will do it in a slightly more leisurely way.

What else is new?  We have bought a lovely painting from out neighbour Steve Lobb - and we are about to have works done on the house.  I do hope my father can be persuaded to give us the rest of the money he promised us.  Or, even better that we can earn some - our lives are very full without earning money - which isn't much fun.  Still we had some lovely visitors this weekend and earned a massive £161...

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