Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Labour Party splits...

Another failed FB post on the Thanet & Sandwich LP page....

The truth behind all this is that the party has moved so far to the right since even Jim Callaghan's time, that Corbyn's policies are less radical than the 1983 LibDem manifesto - and there are people in the party who like it that way. I dare say if it was policy to introduce the NHS now, the right of the party would be saying "Oh no, that will upset the insurance companies and the doctors will all leave the UK...." The fact that people are joining who are roughly on the same page politically as Nye Bevan is sending the right of the party into a flat spin - yet there was nothing unelectable about Bevan and Callaghan..I don't think I've met you Edward Lucas, but whenever I read one of your posts I feel quite angry. You've become the Simon Heffer of this page - the power to annoy without the power to actually do very much. I've always believed the LP was a broad church and that was the only way it would gain mass appeal, I don't believe in deselections and expulsions and suspensions except in extreme cases (subjective!)...but how on earth can we work together if people keep putting up destructive and futile posts?

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