Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Ok - this is serious - objectively my life has got a whole lot better, even the weather has improved and it's beginning to look like spring.  I have had a flu/viral thing for two weeks, but I am nearly better - and what I am wondering is this - why am I so anxious?

There is free-floating anxiety of course, but I seem to be suffering from a leaden, entrenched anxiety.  In the last few days I have been reading novels as a distraction, but I am finding even the plots of the novels are feeding my anxiety.  I can wake up feeling anxious about what I am going to cook for supper for heaven's sake.  Even the most minor things will upset me.   Having to make a decision is incredibly difficult.

I know that some of it is this endless cycle of repressing my feelings - and perhaps a lot of it is the apathy I've felt since I've been ill.  But I HATE the way I feel now, I am taking no pleasure in anything - everything seems dull, even the crocuses in the garden, which are normally a great joy.   I wish I had spoken to my GP about it - but what could he have done.  Is this a case for CBT?

I feel so utterly grey - I feel as though even if an agent took my book on it wouldn't excite me.   However, I am sure a lot of this is post-viral, and that I will come out of it.  I remember feeling a bit like this back in 2009 after about 6 months of viruses.   Suddennly I snapped out of it, spring arrived and I felt happy.  I hope I don't have to have another spate of unrequited love to do it to me this time.  I'm getting too old for this sort of disturbance.

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