Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 10 April 2014

More, better, days

So many good, agreeable days - Tuesday was a goodie - as well as being the momentous anniversary of my first kiss, AND Mrs Thatcher's death - it was also the day Ned came home from UEA - the last day of the students - the day we got on with planning the webzine - and the day the paintings by Olly arrived.  And the day that Finn narrowly missed going under a bus.

I was slightly taken aback by the weight and size of the box - once the two strongish men had lunged it up the front steps and rolled it on a trolley into the sitting room, Kirstie, Tara and I descended on it.   I got out the oil paintings first - done on hardboard - the first 8 or so were all of nudes or sexual scenes.  I was slightly worried that there might be some sort of message in the box!  However, after that there were plenty of respectable landscapes and figures.... I felt impelled to comment to the donor that I hoped I hadn't had more than my fair share of the soft porn - hope no one had been deprived!  He hasn't replied - hope he's not feeling miffed, but perhaps he'll get around to it.

Yesterday I worked most of the day and now have about 10,000 words of the novel.  I am feeling a bit annoyed because I know I'd written a whole scene in which D encounters Shayla - but I can't find it anywhere.  Tomorrow I hope to do more, but today was another lost day.  I woke early, finished the blockbuster I was reading (Fatherland by Robert Harris - not as good as the hype suggests) and then had another doze, a leisurely breakfast, a fight with the laptop - something not write with Google Chrome I fear... and then out to see Anna T - I was to give her advice about suitable plants for the garden, and she was to give me lunch - and so it came to pass.  We went to a very good garden centre in Blean - quite a nice variety of plants, much stronger on shrubs though - but I didn't understand the rationale.  Anyway, we found some suitable plants and hope they'll work for her.

We had lunch at the Gulbenkian - some of the nastiest ciabatta I've ever had...Anna insisted on complaining - it didn't make much difference.  The other naughty was their vinaigrette dressing - the oil was slightly oxidised.  However, there was a delicious tomato salad - compensation!   Anna talked a lot, I didn't mind, but eventually it became tiring.  She is a great mate, but perhaps I was just tired anyway - I realise how I value being able to have quiet time to write, to be untalked to --- then a quick trip to the supermarket and home, where I went to admire the garden and sing to the cat.  I don't really think he is very moved by my singing... but I enjoy it.

I couldn't be arsed to cook, so I got all the left overs out of the fridge, fried sausages and onions, baked some ready made garlic bread and got out some frozen snacks... very disgusting meal.   Ned for some reason picking a fight, so I made my excuses and left.

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