Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 2 April 2014


This is all I can do at present - retain a few reminders of what has been happening.

I am still rather buoyed up by having booked a holiday in France in August - the first time I have been confident that we will be going away (if I can get around to doing the passports). I am assuming we will have the money, because Mark's mother is going to "help us with our mortgage" - which should mean we can siphon off a bit for the holiday and repay it from my father's largesse.

I had a fairly miserable Mothers' Day because I was at my father's and he was gloriously ignorant of it, even though he went to church for the Mothers' Day service... he then felt guilty and gave me some very welcome dosh.   Afterwards I was worried that he might have given me the cash intended for his cleaner.  I was rather angry and ate too many carbs. over the weekend.  When I got home Finn had bought flowers - v.nice, but the place was a tip because he had had his friends in.   We went out to Ruth's and got tiddly - very nice afternoon - nice people there.  Then we came back, I went to bed and slept for a couple of hours - I woke up COULD NOT get back to sleep - thus losing another couple of hours pay.  Grrrrrrrr.

Yesterday I got two agent rejections on the same day - is it the New Moon?  One of them was nice, the other one was brilliant...but I am getting a bit bored with praise for my writing... or rather it just makes me think "what's wrong with the rest of it then?"   It's a bit like that Jewish mother joke - she buys her son two casual shirts, the first time he wears one she ask him "The other one you didn't like?"   I am still holding out hope for the other agent who has the book... but not much hope.  He'll probably think David is a milksop.  "Chesil Beach meets Parade's End"  - no, that's not a pitch I will be adapting.

The LO has been in touch - we are having a cautious correspondence, I have thoroughly atrophied my heart, and have even been feeling fondness for Mark recently.  Better the devil you know, eh?

Tonight 2 Austrian boys are arriving in the wee small hours... hope this goes well.

Curiously, I am feeling much happier and more positive than I have done for a while...maybe it's the sunshine.

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