Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 6 November 2014

Full Moon again - Astrology not always wrong....

Well, no - like a stopped clock, it will be right twice a day.   However, this month I had been promised that a Full Moon (tomorrow) in my 7th house would bring some news about a partnership - either emotional or business.  I was rather excited - thinking that perhaps one of the US agents would finally say "Yes" - on the other hand, Full Moons often bring a swathe of rejection emails (I had one on Tuesday).  Whether that happens remains to be seen.

I always think of Full Moons as a time of culmination, when matters come to a head, Often astrologers say that something will go out of one's life - I haven't found that to be true myself, and what has happened here is more in the nature of a "follow up" to something that happened near a previous FM six months ago (May 10th). The astrological convention is that something that begins in a New Moon will culminate when the Full Moon is next in the same house... again, that doesn't always follow, nor does it follow that the whole thing (whatever it is) will only last 6 months.

Six months ago, just before the Full Moon in Scorpio (these things are often said to be linked) - I met - well, met isn't the word, encountered, at a scriptwriting session, a real scriptwriter! Woo.  I do actually know a couple of other script writers - so no big deal.  Anyway, apart from getting a good, if distant, vibe, off him.  I was amused to discover later that one of the group was getting rather excited by him.  Anyway, I never met him again, but I discovered my policeman chum was working/writing with him on a tv series.  I thought very little of this, although I hoped for PC K---'s sake it would come to something.  Today this man got in touch with me, said he'd liked what he'd heard of my writing and wondered if I would be interested in joining a script team he was forming, since he had had two series accepted and needed to write more episodes.

Wow and double wow.   This is certainly about a partnership - not a 1:1 but a one to several.  How exciting and how unbelievably astrologically correct.  It is of course, pretty rare for such an accurate prediction to occur.  Most predictions that come true usually have some elements that are possible but a certain amount of tugging is necessary to get them to fit.

Needless to say, I am not completely sanguine about this - many, many things may prevent this being the beginning of a fabulous period of success and income, but it would be wonderful if there was some income from it.

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