Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 15 August 2015

Bad things in 3s...

Several bad things have happened recently, so I want to know when they will stop.  The first one was the car failing its MoT test, since this is almost an annual event, it passed almost without comment, we sighed, and paid for it to be repaired (rust on the sill).   Then Finn got poor AS levels - which requires a re-think of the next year or so.  And I was ill - and continue to be.  So not all was hunky dory despite the very good news from Ireland (which is the topic of a post in another blog).  In fact it was all pretty shit, but I was coping - when the guest room ceiling collapsed.

We do not make an enormous amount out of AirBnB - but it does provide our "summer pocket money" i.e. enough so that we can go out and relax and drink and eat and enjoy ourselves at the many fabulous bars and restaurants of our most profitable room is out of use. Nevertheless, we still have someone coming tonight, for another room, and next week the other two rooms will be in use.  I thought of using Ned's room tonight, but the state of it was too much to bear.  Mark heroically cleared up the bulk of the plaster etc. but the whole place is such a mess!  I didn't get around to calling about the insurance, but I'm not sure if this sort of thing is covered by it.   Anyway, we will have to have it plastered and then have at least the ceiling decorated and we have also decided it is time to finally remove the reasonably disgusting carpet in there....we should be able to remove that fairly inexpensively I think.

Our house has had a lot of work and money lavished on it recently, but it continues to punish us!  And now we have the "haunted wardrobe" in our room - from which noises keep issuing.  There is nothing there - as far as I can tell, unless some entity has taken up residence in it (we had a haunted wardrobe in my childhood home which actually levitated once - yes, really.  No, I didn't - but 3 of my siblings did.  It was a 17thC French wardrobe, so no doubt it had plenty of history).   Last week the wardrobe door opened of its own accord, and then closed a little.  This wardrobe is a respectable Maples linen press c. 1920? Inlaid mahogany, and formerly owned by the Our Lady of Peace parochial house where it was used to store priestly vestments.   Clearly whatever spiritual protection it was under then has worn off after 12 years with us.

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