Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 13 August 2015

Bees and bonnets

My bonnet is fairly buzzing with bees at the moment - the most annoying one is the one that is disturbing me about my health...However there is a another one - I keep forgetting that this blog is not my diary, and I too frequently  allow myself to express personal frustrations here.  This has resulted on at least one occasion in a friendship being broken off, and I fear I may have done it again.  I am very sorry about this, but I doubt whether there is anything I can do, having previously blotted my copybook by having expressed my views on a topic too trenchantly.   I suppose I forget about other people's sensibilities, I expect greater resilience, which is clearly stupid of me.  My only defence I suppose, is that there is no criticism of others that I wouldn't make of myself.  Half the things that annoy me in others, are the classic projections: people who have the same bad habits as me, one's own "dark side" made uncomfortably visible, in Jungian terms.  It is difficult to bite one's lips and remain silent when one disagrees about something so as not to upset a friend, but when one manages it, it is clearly rather stupid to boast about it in one's blog.

Because the Google stats show an audience that is all over the world, I probably tend to forget that my most ardent and interested readership is probably in Ramsgate!  I managed a couple of years ago to stop writing about the LO, and clearly I should take a similar strategic decision to stop writing about Ramsgate... or perhaps just satisfy myself with telling you that we have an excellent Japanese restaurant here!

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