Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 12 February 2016


Today is my birthday and I have received an enormous amount of greetings from people, thanks to the glories of Facebook.  I have also had a reasonable number of Birthday cards and virtually no presents (except from Anna T and a couple from Mark - which are tokens because all I wanted was spending money for the Spanish trip).  M made a cake, and Finn made sure he did.,  We had fish and chips and half a bottle of fizz (I didn't like it for some reason, it was Freixenet Rosado, and it seemed a bit metallic, although I thought it was lovely at Christmas).

I had my first sweet food since I began the anti-inflammatory diet, and this evening I have had my first bout of cramp (in my thigh, and the front of my shin) for a month or so.  I cannot help feeling there could be a connection.  I feel very good, since I am now a stone less than I was at the beginning of January.   So on the whole, despite a few deficiencies, this has been a good birthday.

What made it good really was the fact that I have been terribly happy since Monday/Tuesday, when "my editor" in Ireland told me how much she loved The Malice of Fairies and that she would strongly recommend it to her publishing house.  So I have been working with her all week and she has been tremendously helpful, especially with Irish's incredibly exciting to have someone who loves your work, and this has sustained me in happiness all week.  Also I managed to finish the re-writes today, and send them off to her, so I am kind of off the hook now, until I go to Spain (I think).

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