Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 6 October 2013


I was talking to a friend I bumped into and found myself becoming tearful - she looked away - to avoid having to deal with it?  Or coincidence?  It happened a second time during the conversation and this time she walked away to talk to someone else and I decided it was probably the former.  A bit of sympathy doesn't do any harm really.

I was upset because I discovered we had nearly spent all the money this month - and it's only 6th.   Oh great.  This means we will have to borrow November's money and hope for the best if we want to pay the mortgage.  It's partly because we had to tax the car, and I forgot to cancel the English Heritage payment - so we can now go to EH properties free for another year - in our car, if we can afford the petrol.

I am looking for work and not finding any.  People keep suggesting I start businesses - but I don't want to. It takes so much time to get a business going, I need small lumps of money now...  My right knee which I damaged when I was 18 in France has gone "out" again and is hurting.  I need physio, I was in terrible pain on Friday and most of Saturday, but eventually the pain subsided, and now it only hurts going downstairs or if I twist it.

We went to the Broadstairs food festival - which was great - but we spent £25 - which wasn't!  - on delicious food, for 4 of us so not a total disaster.

We walked back to the car, I couldn't cope with driving home.  Then I had some time to myself - I thought I would just get on with Conscience.   So I hunted down my threads of sub-plot and began to write them... I wrote quite a bit, had to change a cherished scene, but made it better... so now I feel quite confident about getting it sorted.  I wrote a fair few words - and I FELT BETTER.    

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