Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 31 October 2013

Society of Authors meeting

These are usually great fun, and Monday night's was no exception.  Unusually we met in the Astor Theatre, Deal - which has, I discovered a lovely bar - so if I ever want to go somewhere for a quiet drink on a Monday night, that's the place.

I went in a really miserable mood - feeling down about finances, there are two threads to this: one is the struggle to make up the deficit each month, the other is to keep track of our 8 creditors - and stop them all taking us to court.  But that is neither here nor there.    I was miserable on the way there because the petrol was low and the first garage was closed and I feared this might be a result of the storm.  However, the Pegwell Bay garage was open.   And the car park at the theatre was free so I had a whole fiver!

I was immediately cheered by a burst of applause when I arrived and lots of compliments about my hair. Got a drink and a plate of food and gradually dissolved.  It was a bit difficult to talk because the room was echoey with hard surfaces - eventually Mary Kenny, who had organised the evening, got us to go around talking about branding ourselves as writers.  It was an interesting discussion and I made the odd contribution... but I fear I am becoming renowned for my "talk" and not really saying much.  Everyone was so nice and positive and supportive, and I was instructed to get myself published.  Three options were suggested, novel-writing competitions, on-line serialisations (e.g. Wattpad) and the general self-publishing path - everyone promised to write me reviews on Amazon if I did... well, I suppose if it means little dribbles of money are coming in it might be better than nothing.

Anyway, it's always interesting to hear about how other people are faring - and the general tone was fairly positive, although at the same time, it's obvious that most of us aren't making absolutely buckets of money from it.

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