Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 8 October 2014


There have been many times in my life when I have heard people say "We are living in the Last Days" - this is because I have hung about with a lot of Biblical fundamentalists who were endlessly checking through the prophecies to see if they had been fulfilled yet.

Certainly conditions now seem ripe for Armageddon - Isis are approaching fast - will the Western forces engage them at Megiddo, in Israel?    There have already been 3 great battles there, one against the Turks in 1918 interestingly.   Isis are the nastiest thing we have come across for years - but as someone said tonight, in the last month Saudi Arabia has beheaded 19 people - judicially - but we don't invade them do we?  Still, Isis are lot worse than that.

Tel Megiddo - south of the Sea of Galilee - an ancient town with generations of piled up habitations - like Troy

I understand that we have fulfilled all the international "rules" about intervention.  And we are hardly doing anything, anyway, but what shocks me is that although much is being made of the involvement of 8 islamic states in the attacks on Isis, well, it's only 8 - and they aren't doing much.  Turkey is contenting itself with putting tanks on its borders.   So much for its endlessly vaunted NATO membership. The poor bloody Kurds are bearing the brunt of it.   It's not that I want to have a war, I just want them to somehow destroy Isis without civilian casualties and for everyone to wake up and love each other.  I am squeamish in other words   I am happy on this occasion for us to use drones and go in and pick them off individually.

Isis is bad enough - War is one horseman of the Apocalypse, as for the others: Famine (wait till the bees die), Conquest?  how is that distinguished from War, and Death - well, we have Ebola which has reached the US and Europe.  It may be a while before it gets to Thanet, but it is very frightening. It is a disgusting disease to die from, but curiously difficult to catch, and easily defeated by bleach - I dare say we shall find bleachwipes selling out in the shops (actually, do such things exist? - disinfectant wipes are not the same) and perhaps all those domestic disinfectants will now proudly splash "Protects against Ebola" on the label.   Bleach is evil stuff - but I can see it becoming very popular in coming months - to the detriment of the environment.

It is at times like these when I can understand why Pentecostal Christians rather looked forward to the excitement of the Last Days - yes, times would be tough - but after the Tribulation there would be the rule of Christ - and Heaven on Earth - so if you could just sit tight for 7 years all would be well.

This brings me to the question of when I would say my own tribulations began - probably in 2008 - so we must be nearing the end of that time.  It'll be 7 years next year... things have shifted a lot this year - the new book, the prospect (still tantalisingly retreating) of money, and the final defeat of the LO.  Not that I really think these things go in 7 year cycles - although astrologers seem to, it's a quarter of a Saturn cycle, approx.  This could lead me onto the topic of Saturn returns - but I think Armageddon is a sufficient topic for tonight.

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