Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 22 October 2014

News from UKIPIA

Today's bulletin: well, actually this is slightly old news.  Of course we are all reeling with shock and surprise that UKIP has allowed a holocaust denying neo-fascist Polish party to form party of their coalition in the European parliament.... who could imagine that they would do such a thing!

But while I am in now way wishing to diminish that horror, the thing that gives us a really good taste of things to come in UKIPIA is a bit more subtle and domestic.

Once upon a time there was a concept called "the head of the household" - perhaps it is still used in some contexts.  Just as when a child answers the door, the electricity supply salesman will ask "Is your mummy home?" in the past, if a woman answered the phone to an official caller she might be asked "may I speak to the head of the house?".

It has an evocative historic ring to it...the head of the long house, ruling his extended family in some New Guinea clearing - or the Irish chieftain, presiding at his table, rod of office by his side.   But on the whole the question nowadays is "who pays the bills?" "Whose name is on the card?"   In our house that's effectively me.  I wouldn't say for a moment I was the head of the house though...or indeed that Mark was.   This usage died out at least 20 years ago.   So it was fascinating that when we received an electoral communication from UKIP it was addressed to M only.  I didn't get one - nor have any of my female friends - the men did though.  Presumably because they were "head of the household".   So us women needn't worry our pretty little heads about politics... our hubbies will consider the issues carefully - see that UKIP offers a "common sense" alternative and tell us how to vote.   I expect once they are in power they will take the vote away from us.  I think I ought to try to write to the Gazette about this...    Or maybe a special pink girly letter is coming out to us separately. I am keenly awaiting its arrival - perhaps it will have recipies on it?  or cleaning tips?

And once we've finished the hoovering - we can mow the lawn - we don't have time to go out and vote!

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