Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 26 December 2014

A Good Christmas

The secret to a good Christmas is probably fierce planning and a rigorous timetable enforced with charm....

This Christmas seems to have come upon us fast - largely because of all the money stuff - meaning that we could really only spend money with confidence after 15th December.  We had a good day in Canterbury on 22nd, getting larger than usual pressies for everyone.  I am not used to spending so much money, it was a shock, but for once.   Still, if our income increases, then this could become a bit regular.

The food was a bit different - ham and tongue, but beef, rather than Turkey...a really nice pudding - and lots of veg, the Irish christmas cake - although we had to use Scotch rather than Irish whiskey... I sadly burned it, but the icing and homemade marzipan make up for it I think...

The snowman slipped on the Icing

Well, I thought it was quite funny...

The boys and Mark and I were all pleased with our pressies.  I went to a lovely mass at St. Augustine's - and found Ned on the way back - when we parked the car, we heard the Christmas bells and the street decorated with lights (our tree is fab!) it seemed perfect.  I had a chat with Ned about his bombshell - and it seems things are not quite as cut and dried as he had led us to believe... On the Day we woke up at a sensible time and had our stockings - and tea - then breakfast and tidying, cooking and chores, then present opening - then a flying visit by our neighbour, and then a dash for the beach - where we only spent about 40 minutes, because we were expecting visitors about 1.00 - one sent a text saying she'd be there at 1.30 - the other was a complete no show.  I could have coped with that, but a text apologising might have been nice... but I made allowances for that, until I saw that at the time he was due to come to us he had been posting on FB - so what happened?  Perhaps he was abducted by aliens on the way over.   Anyway, we had a lovely meal and nice pressies and a good old slump and idle chat with S - and took a break between the main course and the pudding to enjoy some tv - then back to pudding etc. and then more slump, drifting off during Dr Who...

Slowly bits of washing up and tidying got done - and now we've spent most of the day with the telly and dressing gowns, doing a bit of social media... making charity donations and discovering that we seem to have had two enormous payments from Tax Credits - totalling £7,100.  If it's not a mistake, that will be a great Christmas present!

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