Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 15 April 2011

Altera dies, nulli denari

I wonder if that's good Latin.  I really regret not having learned it "properly" sometimes, i.e. doing translation into Latin.   And a year on I rather miss teaching Ned Latin - but at least this year I don't have to worry about his exams.  Only he does.... he's predicted to get Bs - which is fine, but he'll need a couple of A's probably for a decent university.

So, this week has been full of work, not a bit of it generating money directly, but we have had two business meetings - one of which required a quote, and one of which was a head-banging session in which we realised that our associates could do nothing and we could do nothing for them.   The economic climate is not quite ready for the Winter Wonderland in Margate yet - but next year, it's a definite goer.  They need way too much money, about £50K - and who is going to give them that?  Yes it's a community activity for which they will only ask their own fees and any profits will go into next year's event, but still.  It's getting that first push that matters for them and no one is giving it. I think they need to turn it into a separate not-for-profit company.

The major event this week was the Turner Contemporary thing - I went to the first preview with Sam.  I felt we were there slightly on the rag-tag-and bobtail night, but having said that,. lots of nice people there, so - wait a minute, I've written about this already.

Wednesday I went to the Funding Fair - another new and interesting world which is only mildly demanding, and on Thursday I had two meetings, another about funding, and one at the Yacht Club (which already uses PR people - of no great competence).  Then I wrote two funding applications - and finally went to bed. Today I worked on the funding applications and endless emails, then had the meeting with Kent Events about their funding issues, and then - rather surprisingly - Sam and I found ourselves sitting in the garden eating cashew nuts and drinking a bottle of white wine.    It was a lovely afternoon - the first of the season.  The birds sang, the bees buzzed, and it was warm.  The lonicera tartarica is flowering, no scent, but very pretty.  The omphaloides nitida is also very pretty, and I discovered a strange variegated violet, which I must preserve... clearly a hybrid, I suddenly realised that, apart from a coaching session on Monday, I was free - on holiday for a bit!  M is working in Dover next week, but I might, weather permitting, go for a few short bike rides around the place just to improve my skills.  

My health is being boring - back agony - laid out on sofa on Tuesday, and odd foot twinges.  I have however managed to lose a kilo! Not great, but first time I've lost weight since .... god knows when.  Perhaps I've finally stopped the rot - now need to get a bit moving a bit.

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