Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 15 April 2011

The Neighbourhood 4

Annther couple of evening strolls around the blog neighbourhood reveals that there are extraordinary differences in style between British and US styles.  There is a great deal of rather perky writing on the US blogs - words like cute, adorable, beautiful and the phrase "I love" occur very often.  I recognise this style from the Authonomy website.  I realise that although I am reasonably used to US literature (Jonathan Franzen, Michael Chabon etc.) and occasionally seeing the International Herald Tribune, I am completely unfamiliar with domestic style.  I suppose it's nothing drastic - we prefer adjectives like lovely, nice and sweet to describe babies/puppies etc. perhaps that's all it is.  

Interesting to note in what ways the Englishes will drift apart... just preferences for different adjectives, some slight differences in grammar that have probably been noticeable since the C19th, and, well really is that all?  It isn't the language, it's the sentiments.  I don't think the English are especially gloomy, but I can't see many people like me writing like that.  On the other hand there aren't many people like me in the UK anyway - so inevitably I am reading the blogs of people a bit like people I was at school with - the Middle England equivalents who live nice wholesome lives (on the surface) who like children and animals and golf/skiing/football and - well, I don't know what else they do, enjoy shopping probably, and spend way too much time on Facebook.  (I say this with the smugness of one who has made only one visit this week, and as a result have no idea what is going on in Ramsgate!).

In another part of the town is Headscarf Haven - a large number of Indonesian(?) female blogs... presumably there are a lot of Indonesian blogs - since my pages have been viewed by some Indonesians in return, but given that its the 3rd most populous state in Asia (?) the world (?) this isn't surprising.

Meanwhile, I am still trying to find an interesting British blog - or a US one or a Canadian one (I found a series of Canadian ones earlier - they were not in any obvious way distinct from US ones).  Instead I found a set designer's blog, a jogger's blog, a golfer's blog, and a gay man's blog.   There is also a special sub-genre of "Films I have seen" blogs and "Music I have heard" blogs.  Neither of which have grabbed me.   I am tempted to follow even half interesting blogs since I may never find another one - so I am now following a writing blog, although in all honesty I may never go back to any of the blogs I am notionally following again.

A final stroll around before bed, I think.

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