Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 20 May 2013

The hydra-headed life... again

Sometimes you struggle to remove certain obstacles, problems from your life, and you think you've learned your lesson, or lost your illusions or whatever it was that was getting in the way of progress.  Feeling slightly proud to have done so, and perhaps ashamed not to have succeeded earlier, you feel you can leap up the next morning and make progress.

When you think this, you are probably wrong.  Pausing briefly to bubble blood and hiss, the hydra head springs up re-doubled.  Now two nasty poisoned tongues are flicking at you - reaching their utmost to get you back in their clutches.  You feel more assailed by them than ever.  Perhaps there is some small improvement, perhaps now the hydra is chained in a corner, and can't actually get at you - just menace you from behind whenever you turn your back on it.  The reality of the problem has gone, but it is leaving a psychic shadow.

I really ought to line myself up for a course with one of those self-help gurus.  My trouble is probably that I am always trying to help myself - and not looking for outside advice.  However, on this occasion, I have read the appropriate work on how to deal with hydras... so I shall be covering my stout, heroic club with burning pitch and tamping it down nice and hard on the hydra's necks each time I decapitate one.  Hissing blood and spitting venom, they should nevertheless, be unable to grow back.  And then?  Well, we'll see what happens next.

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