Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 6 July 2014

Leon Brittan - it's getting closer to home

Woke up this morning to hear that LB had been questioned by the police.  "Yikes!" I thought, "that was quick!"

I instantly assumed that he was being questioned in connection with something to do with the Elm House stuff - and the dossier - and that they'd finally decided to act on the persistent rumours.   However, it is apparently to do with a rape accusation from before he was an MP - rape of a woman incidentally.   This was interesting - since it shows a predilection for an unwilling partner... or the imposition of one's own will or power.

A man of considerable integrity - Geoffrey Dickens - who handed Leon Brittan a dossier!

Perhaps I am especially sensitive to this subject - but it seems to me that the police and questions are slowly getting closer to Leon Brittan.  The fact that he was Home Secretary when the dossier about paedophilia in public life amassed by the late Geoffrey Dickens MP, went missing is not a coincidence.  I am most curious to know whether the dossier included information on LB's own involvement.   Would GD have had the chutzpah to do this?  Would he have included LB's name (if he knew it) to tell him "we're onto you!  Beware: your sins will find you out!"?  I don't know.

Mark my husband thinks I am being a bit triumphalist about this - he say when he met me hearing what I knew about LB and Saville et al. he thought I was a bit of a nutter, a conspiracy theorist.  Now he says "whatever happened to tour comprendre, c'est tout pardonner"

Sir, I refute him thus

Let us suppose LB was the victim of abuse himself, that his mental state was such that he knew no other form of sex other than rape, domination and cruelty?  Yet, he is an intelligent, rational man - a lawyer I think.  He must have noticed that his attitude towards sex, his tastes and preferences were not generally shared.  He must have known that rape was not an agreeable consensual form of sex, that love had no place in it.  So, what does the rational man do when he finds his sexual preferences are loathesome.   Apparently he goes underground and enjoys his habits in the company of like minded companions.   WRONG.  The intelligent, sensitive decent person does not do this - he GETS HELP!

This is his true crime - loathesome though these people are, they all had an alternative, they could have got therapy, help, they could - like some people - attempted to sublimate this taste into good works and heroic actions and avoided all temptation to sin.   I am using religious language here because we have all got very scared of using it - but all the language used about this crime is getting tired.  It is a sin - a failure in ourselves to live the best life we could, to follow the example of Jesus - or whichever spiritual authority we may recognise.

Geoffrey Dickens - the Tory MP who tried to pursue paedophilia - had a troubled and unhappy childhood - if he was absued it isn't reported, but whatever the miseries, he used his position to the full to try and help others - as can be seen in his obituary  .  I would probably have violently disagreed with him over many things, but I admire the fact that he pursued these people to the utmost of his abilities.  This is marked contrast to the way Tebbit, Gove et al are closing ranks now.  Yech.

If you watch this video
you will see a rather horrifying interview about the Elm Guest house - the interviewer Bill Maloney is rather volatile (with reason) which is a bit offputting - the interviewee Chris Fay was involved with the National Association of Young People in Care - who is calm and sensible and very convincing.    A number of Bill Maloney's videos are up on You Tube - I haven't heard of LB taking any legal action against him.

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