Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Astrology - I repent

This year, since January, I have been keeping a careful note of my personal chart and all the transits that have occurred.   We are now six months into the experiment - and on the whole I feel as though there has been very little correlation between events and transits.   .

The only things I have noticed are that New and Full Moons do seem to have a certain pattern to them.  However, initiating stuff at the New Moon rather depends one one believing in it and doing it....

Aquarius... but does it mean anything?

 Well - that's the sun sign, and everyone knows this means nothing - so you have to read the forecasts for your rising sign too - but of course if you read that and it says Jupiter is going into your 10th house and everything will be fab you know it won't for a bit - because your 10th house cusp is half way through that sign... so you'll have to wait for all that until the end of September or early October, by which time Mercury will have gone retrograde again - so that will rather diminish the effect.   Oh dear.

I think the reason I have been allowing myself to listen to the siren voice of Susan Miller again is because I do have a number of Jupiter aspects this month that did look rather promising.   A few posts ago I allowed myself a few predictions for this month.  It turns out that the negative predictions were more correct: my mother in law's house sale fell through - so we have not been able to "relax" financially.  We have had a couple of bits of work in the pipeline which is great - so we are not totally down at the bottom again, which is good since Ned doesn't want us to borrow any more money.   However, income prospects are not looking good - but the devastating events of this month are not written in the stars (I don't know which house represents the death of friends - friends are 11 so it would be the 8th house from that, counting inclusively, it will be 6th house - normally work and health - not much happening there at the moment....  but I would expect their deaths to be seen in their own charts not mine - probably a big something or other in the 12th house - as my long dead friend Jane Davies had - which I misread, because I couldn't bear to think of the darker implications of it.

Anyway, I am meant to be in the midst of a period of emotional and financial security - and I feel like a stunned mullet... the last few days I have felt as if my mind has gone awol - some of it is because of the shock of Marion's death, and a low feeling because of Strat's death throes - which is one of those family intuitive things.  The financial security ship hasn't quite made it into the harbour although Mark is finally beginning to get a steady trickle of work - lots of small jobs around £1,000 but enough of those would keep us very happy.  Having 3 or 4 small jobs in the pipeline and a couple of tenders out too is encouraging.  I will still have to go back to teaching at CA in the autumn though - which I am not looking forward to.  I will enjoy it, but it has been wonderful to be able to get up in the morning and write - and I have been making progress.

Anyway - I decided to look at my transits starting in January - and the first one, Uranus passing over the pars fortunae was actually spot on - that was the w/e I got the work from Ruth - and heard about house sales in the offing... so maybe I should give it a bit longer before I give up.  Or just make sure I notice what's going on around the PF - does it work for other aspects - or only conjunctions?   So having started this post thinking I really must give up astrology I end it concluding that in fact there are far more correlations than I realised - it's just that the events aren't usually earth-shattering or life changing.... when Susan Miller says "You are going to be plucked out and given a major career change" that doesn't mean anything more than "you will get some freelance tuition work"  and when she says "I foresee a great deal of travelling for you this month" it means a 19 mile commute to Canterbury every day....and for several months afterwards too.

Semele? asking Jupiter for a favour?  Can't remember - but this could be me, trying to placate the powers above, and asking for a shorter working week, an improvement in my living conditions, and a bit more income.  

In fact, I do not repent of astrology at all, but I have noticed that certain transits are more significant than others.   Firstly Mercury transits seem to have no effect at all.  Venus are mildly pleasant, Mars sometimes brings a burst of energy - depends where it is. The Moon - apart from when Full (and perhaps when new) seems to bring nothing whatsoever.  Jupiter - well, I don't really find it does a lot for me - on the other hand it's been in Cancer for the last year - where I have only the Moon, right at the end, practically in Leo - and it hasn't touched many other planets in the last few months... so I am happy to be astonished.   Saturn I am assured is the thing you have to spend all your life struggling with - and sometimes I feel that's true, but a lot of Saturn transits don't seem very full of impact.  I am looking forward to my 2nd Saturn return next year with some excitement... and Uranus - really, this is the only planet I can say with any confidence has a real impact on me.  Neptune tends to bring fog - which is a pity since I have it on the Ascendant - but of course it also brings creativity and beauty and lurve and spiritual awareness (Om!).  Pluto - well, of course, all the astrologers say this is too slow moving for words - but I think it does have an impact - like tectonic plates slowly grinding away in one's life.  I had it sextile the Ascendant a while back, and in some ways I emerged a different person... perhaps it's like those fish who nibble at the dead skin on your feet...small, slow but effective.

Jupiter in 10th house
Having Jupiter in 10th house sounds marvellous - the last time it happened we moved from London to Ramsgate, on the previous occasion, 1990-1ish it whisked though the house very fast, but in the run up I went freelance, bought a flat and met Mark - so another year connected with moving house (opposite 4th house I suppose).  The previous year was 1979 when I left university, moved in with Ronnie et al, got my horrible job at the Berlitz and began writing a useless attempt at a novel - and then towards the end moved in with James.    None of these are exactly associated with me covering myself with glory in the public sphere - but maybe I wasn't trying then.  So perhaps there is something in this - although all 3 of these years seem to be associated with moving house in a significant way.

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