Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 26 June 2011

7 Deadly Sins

I was thinking about Pride - and it occurred to me that the chief victim of one's pride is oneself, it is pride that prevents us from admitting difficult truths about ourselves or our situations and as a result one is unable to act correctly, and may thus make ourselves unhappier,  and indeed make others unhappier as well.

What occurred to me though is that the chief victim of the 7 deadly sins is usually the person committing the sin, other people maybe victims - but the damage being done is to that person committing the sin and their relationships with others and primarily (from a Christian perspective) with God.   But taking God as read, examining what happens when one commits these sins, one sees that they are chiefly sins against oneself, although of course others get caught in the cross fire.

Actually, that's what I want to prove, but I haven't thought this through - so first, perhaps, I can see if I can remember them.

Pride, Sloth/accidia, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Avarice, Envy,  (ok, I had to be reminded by Wikipedia - curiously I always forget Gluttony!)

According to Wikipedia these were originally called the capital sins, from caput - and were the cause of other sinse.  But I think the head bit could be seen differently - they are all things that originate in our heads/minds - and their initial impact is on us - our identity, the way we relate to other people.    They do of course result in impacts on others:  Wrath for example, could lead to murder (as could avarice, lust, envy, pride - though probably not sloth - unless killing a wealthy relative for gain would be easier than going out to work.  I suppose conceivably Gluttony could lead to murder - but is perhaps less likely.

Actually, any of these sins could be outwardly manifested in various ways.  I am not feeling up to further discussion on this at present.  But I think I may return to the topic.

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