Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Idle Thoughts

- well, do I have any other kind?  [Removed]
Meanwhile I am in correspondence with a keen teenager called Jay who is helping doing all the Squall in the Park fun work... he's really enjoying it and keen to come to meetings etc. I am so grateful to him.  I have no idea what sort of music we will get.   Loud I fear!

Sheree came over and talked to me about it - which puts my mind at rest.  She's the right combination of sensible but not stuffy - in fact rather right on in an old-fashioned way... I like her very much.   Funny how long it takes to find one's elective affinities some times.

It was an uneventful day today really - enjoyable, but rather cat-dominated.  Bernard only wants to sit on my lap during the day when I am trying to type.   I gave him access to the garden again this afternoon.   Then I brought him in - he scratched my face - wanted to stay in the garden.   In the kitchen he stood by the door and gave an indignant miaow (his voice is breaking).  I showed him the cat flap - he gave me a dreadful look as if to say "what use is that to me?" (it is too high for him to use it, he's so tiny).   So I risked letting him out alone and he then scampered in and out - he now has a long scamper track from halfway down the hall through the kitchen and out to the back... it was so sweet to see him dashing about "Oh, I am a cat that likes to dash about doing good...".   He encountered a very sleek black cat who often passes through, Bernard arched and fluffed up and the black cat reversed away.    A little later Mushu, the ginger tom came by and didn't take much notice of Bernard, since he thinks this is his garden.  Bernard arched and fluffed, but Mushu ignored him, merely scenting the air in his direction in a pleasantly interested way (Mushu is a very good natured cat).  Bernard finally he had had enough garden and came in to sleep in one of the magazine baskets - in an interesting semi-upright position.

Look - I know, I complain about all soppy entries about dogs, cats, babies, elsewhere - but at least I have not used the words cute or adorable.  Bernard is not adorable - he is busy, active and curious - an ideal kitten really.  He has just whizzed past along the scampertrack...he is bigger already after only 5 days. I am sure he will turn into a very dignified clever cat - as long as we can keep him away from the road for a while.

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