Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 23 September 2011

Change in the laws of physics causes Stock Market crash

A headline we will probably not be seeing.

I am fascinated about this particle that apparently goes faster than the speed of light.  Everyone is saying "but it can't be true" and that the equipment they were using for the last 3(?) years must be defective.

My gut feeling (since I know virtually nothing about theoretical physics) is that it is true - and that this is not just another cold fusion experiment.  My attempts to read about theoretical physics have been doomed - because whenever I have begun to read them there's too much if - and despite my mystical beliefs, (or because of them) - I like my science empirical thank you!   It is not so much the "insult" to Einstein that I am enjoying, but the discomfiture of all those people who have built vast structures of multiverses and string theories on top of it.   And all those Hawkin like people who said we were just about to find out the last couple of pieces that would enable us to know everything... But now, not only have we failed to find the Higgs boson... we also find the theory of relativity is a bit defective.... what now?   Mass redundancies in astrophysics departments?

Would be nice to think this news was so unsettling that the stock markets fell, but actually that was just the threat of Greek default.   I wish they'd get on and do it - but if they do the focus will simply move onto another country.   Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece all had great difficulties meeting the euro criteria - and the view in 1992 that they should not be admitted is now vindicated - or perhaps the view that the euro needed greater economic integration to succeed.  However, this is old news - the wobble in the theory of relativity isn't.

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