Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 13 September 2011

I feel Happy

I wonder why?

Probably having finished two tasks that were hanging over me, firstly dyeing my hair, which I loathe doing, and secondly sending off a second batch of PRs to various local media outlets.

Yesterday was a great achievement day - wrote 2,300+ words on Conscience.  I am aware that what I have written will be heavy with cliches and need severe editing and much thought - but it is so great to have it there, in place.  I'm also in a good situation because I actually have rigorously edited and re-written the first 3-4 chapters - so once I have completed the first draft of the rest, I will be able to send those 3 chapters off to agents while revising the rest of the book.   That'll give me a year or so to re-write and edit!

The alarming thing is that I wrote most of those words in about 2 hours - although it isn't alarming, it's intensely gratifying - yes, it isn't perfectly written, but I was having one of those phases when the plot progresses without one planning anything - such bliss when that happens.  I knew there had to be some sort of encounter, there were things I didn't want to write about - e.g. David dancing with Kitty - because I felt it would cause problems.  And I managed to skip all the difficult things - get the mini-drama and deal with the aftermath in a discussion with another party.

I would say it was magisterial if it were not for the fact that the whole thing was entirely a product of the unconscious... I knew two things had to happened - and they did, but not in any way that I had imagined, just in a perfectly natural way.  If I was a nutter I might wonder whether I was "channelling" my grandfather - but it's not quite that sort of thing.  I have had long periods wondering why on earth he was in love with her - and I still can't understand it.  I think he must have really, really fancied her and allowed his appendage* to rule his head!
* This must be said in a Bette Midler accent, a New York faux-French way!

I find it hard to write about sex using David's point of view - or indeed for anyone in that period.  But I will have to write about it sooner or later... I wonder where I can find sources that might help.  I don't suppose My Secret Life by Walter would be much good - some contemporary fiction which deals with sex... Marie Corelli?  Elinor Glyn

Would you care to sin with Elinor Glyn
On a tiger skin?
Or would you prefer to err with her
On some other fur?

I wish I'd written that.

Now I'd better go and make some pastry for an egg and bacon pie - and make that chocolate ice cream I keep going on about.

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