Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 11 September 2012

After some rain...

when I woke at 7.00 - the sky has cleared and it's beautifully sunny.  The national weather forecast has been going on about the arrival of autumn - but this doesn't seem to apply in the Thanetian microclimate.

Must do some writing and sensible work today.... still undecided whether to go to Imp. War Museum or not.  Or maybe today I could rearrange my desk and so on, so that I can work better. It's also weightwatchers day today - hope I will have lost most of the weight I put on during the "holiday" - however, have had a couple of portions of chips and a hell f a lot of wine since then.   When I say a hell of a lot of wine nowadays, I am not talking about the 70 units a week I used to put away when I worked in the City - I mean probably, about 12 units or so - in other words, the recommended weekly maximum for women, which I would formerly would have regarded as an unimaginably low target, which I could never possibly manage to survive on.   One's life and habits do change.

Changing habits I now see, is not impossible, but you can't change too many at once.  I have managed to change a few - whether I can keep them changed, I don't know.  I think it probably needs to be reinforced, to say to myself "I used to eat biscuits, I don't any more".  Or something like that.

Just listening to a programme about science, really wish I wasn't so lazy about making the effort to read more about it.  It's always clear as day when it's discussed on the radio - but somehow when it gets into print, it goes wonky.  Science of course, lies on a bed of background feelings and thoughts about "scientists I have known and loved" I realised I understood about rare earths because I typed J's thesis... I often want to ask him questions, but again, our discourse has lapsed... and also, I think he's now involved in such a specialised area, it wouldn't be useful - and also, he's a bit of a Luddite!

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