Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 6 September 2012

And down again...

Somehow yesterday couldn't be repeated.   I worked for about 3 hours this morning - and wrote about 1100 words - which is very good, and I was pleased, but I also found myself slowing down, uncertain about the way forward...

In the afternoon I sat in the garden for a while and read a book about conscientious objectors - v. interesting, and I learned a few things... useful that conscription came in in January 1916 and the tribunals got going a few weeks later.  So, that bit of research confirms things.

Then I went back to my desk and finished off the bits and pieces I had to do - talked to Minster Abbey - sorted out the Come Dine with Me application (I am only doing this for the money). I didn't feel deeply satisfied, but conscious that I'd done an OK day's work, with very little fiddling about.n  I went down to cook and found a mug of rather disgusting tea had been poured for me.  For some reason this set me off into irritability - I ate scraps of bread and butter and felt cross.  I didn't actually make a fuss - after all, my fault that I didn't come down sooner - but on the other hand, perhaps after 20 years one's husband might work out how one likes one's tea.  I am being unreasonable - if a husband said that to a wife... no, actually, it's normal to attempt to accommodate people's taste - you pour my tea first, and don't make it so strong.  It will get stronger in a minute or so and then you can have your tea the way you like it and everyone is content.

I compensated with the bread of bitterness and the butter of idleness... and then a glass of wine at dinner which I didn't really enjoy and now I feel a bit dopey and allergic.  This bloody weather - it's lovely, but I still seem to be getting hayfever.

Then I came upstairs and saw that friend T had invited two other people along to our tete-a-tete at The Chapel... which is OK, but I find one of them a little bit ... I don't know, I always feel uncomfortable with people who are rabid self-publishers. But he's very interested in India - so perhaps if we talk about that I can learn something.  I just fancied a "ladies who lunch" thing with a couple of chums.   Never mind, there's book group tomorrow - that should be fun, unless B is on bad form and wants to moan about things... not impossible.  Apparently she managed to close down a book group elsewhere... I think we must be stronger (or more pliable) characters.

Oh, I should scratch this entry - it's because my eye has been watering for the last 4 hours or so, very annoying.

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