Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 30 September 2012

Jimmy Savile - shuddering vindicated

Some time ago, when Jimmy Savile died, I wrote an entry about him called A repressed shudder

In it I touched on the rumours of his paedophile tendencies and his (possibly associated) hatred of children.   Now a documentary is being made about him, which includes testimony from girls who were in some way abused by him.  So the rumours were true.  I felt a little guilty about writing about him in that way last year - de mortuis nil nisi bonum etc. but now I am glad something is coming out about it, not because it vindicates me personally, but because it is the truth.

His nephew is quoted on the radio as saying "it's disgusting" - but he refers not to the paedophilia (did he never notice anything odd about Uncle Jim?) but to people saying these things about him, when he's only been dead less than a year.   Apparently if they'd waited a bit longer it might have been less disgusting?   He (the nephew) says it may effect his legacy and his memory.  How will it affect his legacy?  Will no one touch his money because of this?  It will certainly effect his memory - but I've always thought de mortuis was a bit silly.  It's only when someone is dead that one can assess their life as whole - call no man happy until he's dead... one ought to know the full picture, not a sanitised mass card version of a life.  

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