Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tory child abuse cover up "like the Nazis"

This is the rather dramatic opinion of my friend A - who is famed, as a former BBC journalist, for having such opinions and stories to back them up.  Of course it is an hysterical viewpoint in some ways.   The Nazis had widespread control of large swathes of Europe - child abusers in the Tory party do not.  Speaking out against the Nazis was a suicidal policy - speaking out about Tory child abuse probably isn't... but it is nevertheless being suppressed.

A cited the case of the government scientist, David Kelly, who died in mysterious circumstances shortly after having displeased the government (a Labour government incidentally).  His somewhat outrageous view is that  similar things may happen now to people who upset the apple cart over this affair.  He believes Steve Messhums was paid a handsome sum to re-cant; he thinks it inconceivable that no one ever showed him a picture of his abuser in the last 20 years... and that he misidentified him... He also speculates that SM will meet a sticky end.

So far, so repressive.  But the difference from the Nazis is instructive - and almost more shocking.   Firstly - for most of the last 20 years the Tories have not been the ruling party - so why wasn't this dug up before?   Secondly, it is only a tiny handful of leading Tories who have been allegedly involved in child abuse - and some of them, such as Ted Heath are dead.  Surely the rest of the party - which I assume is not involved in child abuse? would naturally be revolted by this and want to bring the guilty to justice?  Perhaps they really think it is a matter for the police - but the police were most helpful in assisting the cover up last time - so when David Cameron suggests that if anyone knows anything they take it to the police, he's potentially setting  the same old carousel in motion.  But what else can he say?  That he's going to hold a public enquiry?

I would love to see a Leveson type enquiry that would bring the suspects to Westminster for questioning... then we could see who all the suspects were - and get them to reply to the evidence.  However, that isn't going to happen.   There has been so much covering up and muddying the waters that it would be very difficult to ascertain anything.

At the base of this is the fact that certain rich, powerful people have no respect or care for the weak and vulnerable - and see them as objects for use, rather than humans of equal value to themselves.  In this they are exactly like the Nazis, the fact that this view is not widespread throughout society makes it even more damning that they have been allowed to carry on like this in secret and been covered up by official bodies.  Why did Waterhouse refuse to reveal the names?  Did he think everyone would stop, having been sufficiently frightened - or was he leaned on?  Or did he have some sympathy for the perpetrators?  Or did he think society would be undermined, that the Tories might lose popularity?... And why do I have to wait until they are all dead before I can write freely about them?   People are sickened that Savile got away with it for so long - they won't be happy to see the revelations about this lot after they're all dead.

In a very bizzarre way this cover-up is worse than the Nazis - because there's really no excuse for it - except that it would embarrass people. A small handful being protected by a larger handful - doing something that there is no political justification for.  There is no over-arching ideology that the people of Britain have been swayed by, child abuse is not happening to give us a greater sway in the world - yet we seem almost as powerless as Germans in the 1930's to combat it.

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