Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tories & rent boys - child abuse & "paedophilia"

All those beautiful Greek words for it - pederasty - from pais erastos - desired (lusted after) boy,  paedophilia - love of boys (or children - same word in Greek - girls didn't count). I have decided not to use these words - child abuse is the appropriate one.

The revelations that come from the N. Wales abuse victims don't speak of love or tenderness - or even the kind of desire that one would associate with that.  There is no sense of relationship - just use... no tenderness, but rape.

I cannot even begin to speculate on the history of rent boys - but no doubt where there's a demand there's usually a supply.  Someone will have contributed a book of "queer history" which will focus on their history - it may be spoken of with pride, but the "suck your cock for sixpence, guv'nor" idea of a chirpy, free-spirited rent boy may be a tad on the idealistic side. Perhaps there are 14 year old boys who are making a bit of a career of it.  We used to live next door to a retired rent boy in London (he didn't know we knew) - I over heard a very loud telephone conversation which boomed through our bedroom wall one morning - and he said (inter alia) "When I was a rent boy, we wanted to make something of ourselves - now it's just all about money."

One has to pause to wonder what depths someone could come from if becoming a rent-boy was a step up on the ladder...

So, if we accept that, for whatever reasons, there is a steady supply of willingish rent boys in large cities (I can only speak for London) - why would anyone want to trek out to North Wales to find unwilling sex with amateurs?   Well, maybe the majority of the users were locals - say the Chester MP Peter Morrison - so they weren't going far.  Were they inviting chums from London to join them?  Was the unwillingness part of the attraction?  It was fresh meat rather than the jaded, over accomplished services of a "professional"?

Then we return to the vague idea that somehow London rentboys are free-booting independent contractors -  clearly they were mostly not, clearly there were rings, men who supplied.  The magnificent case of the Committal proceedings where a man who was part of a paedophile ring supplying boys to various people, claimed "you can't touch me, I supply the ______  ______ " and further reporting on the matter was suppressed by a D Notice (this was from a comment on one of the posts I've removed).

The fact is that there was some very nasty stuff going on - people like Edwina Currie knew about Peter Morrison - but no one said anything even though it was illegal.   What did they think?  That those boys had chosen that path - that it was a "lifestyle choice"?   That it might be better than some of the alternatives?  They they were doing them a favour in employing them for a tenner?  Perhaps some of these things may even be true in some of the cases.  But the fact that something so thoroughly illegal and immoral was going on alongside the business of government does not seem to have bothered people enough to do something about it.  Evil flourishes when good (men) do nothing - arguably many of the people who knew about it weren't good.

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