Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 9 June 2014

Disorganised crime

Well, we have come to a stop in our investigations - it seems to me we need to find some keen stringer out in Thailand to go and investigate this children's charity out there - and then see what's what. It might have to end up as an "I made my excuses and left...." piece.

I discussed the fact that they have a FB page etc - but two or three people have seen this as rather like Jimmy Saville - hiding in plain sight.  Everyone I have spoken to - including a couple of journalists from national publications think it sounds deeply dubious.

This story has sweet FA to do with my book of course, but is providing an interesting diversion  As my informant said "If there's a whiff of connection with the Brinks Mat story - then I'm off."  He claims about 11 people have been killed in the course of the Brinks Mat aftermath... and the party we are interested in has a large collection of guns - also prominent on his FB page - to warn people off?  Or as an illustration to a forthcoming tome The Joy of Guns.

I am seeing a journo who works on the Guardian tomorrow... maybe I can find something out, or set some hares running.

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