Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 27 July 2011

A little light moaning

I woke up this morning - lifted my head from the pillow and it cracked.   I now have a stiff neck that I can barely bear to move.  Where is the NHS osteopathy service when you need it?

I spent most of the day in bed, dozing in a post-medieval half sitting up position - watching or listening to all sorts of weird digital tv stations - a handheld camera trip across the Namibian desert, a snatch of the Nollywood Channel - something called Landscape - and finally back to the conventional channels.  The Nollywood chanel was hysterical - I watched a few minutes of what I assumed to be Nigeria's answer to Crossroads - and I was surprised at how appalling the acting was - Nigeria's a pretty sophisticated country in some ways but the acting was unbelieveable - I don't think the people involved were actually actors - just mates - or people brought in from the street.

Not much moaning - OK - some more - I am not enjoying my day off sick - I am feeling grotty and grumpy and uncomfortable - I have felt hungry all day.  Weird.   And now I have to cook supper - which I don't feel like, and make bread and just generally do stuff.  Grrr.  That anodyne phrase "a stiff neck" doesn't do justice to it.  I am getting no sympathy - under duress I got a sandwich which I had to send back - to have it cut in two, annointed with mayo and injected with lettuce:  I have made him delicious sandwiches for years - but when given the opportunity to make me one, he simply can't be arsed.

If we had any money I would get a takeaway, but we can't.

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