Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 30 May 2011


The overwhelming problem of money hangs over me, and we are slowly getting away from our situation, but there is still much to be done.  It does make me react like a rabbit in the headlights - but the plan is today to re-submit our tax return, work out the budget and do some serious work on it tomorrow.

It is a Bank Holiday today - and I am looking forward to a real rest, since I think I have worked pretty hard.  Sam and I are doing some pro bono  work for the Arts Festival... and I am spending my Saturdays baking and Sundays flogging food.   The first week of the "Bread of Heaven" stall was rather disappointing, £30 profit, before I accounted for the cost of ingredients.  But this week I just prayed that I would make £100 - and we did!  Exactly £100 after the cost of the stall.  That was so fantastic, and I felt that perhaps this was the activity God was favouring.  I was asked to do another stall at Rebecca Sunshine's family camp weekend, and a woman took my card and said she was thinking of starting a bakery in Broadstairs.  So who knows what will happen?

Meanwhile, no work on Conscience this week - just as it was going so well.... it's a great displacement activity, but I reall;y do have to deal with financial issues.   Just think how great I will feel when it's sorted.   I could aim to do it by Wednesday evening - so that I can clear the decks for Viv's visit.  She and her friend Kate are coming to visit - and are paying me to cook dinner for us on Thursday - rather than going out!  She's requested a lamb tagine... and I'll do some Moroccan salads, couscous, and some puddings... when I'm not worrying about how to ensure that some debts get paid.

Other excitement, a new tap in the bathroom - fitted by our neighbour Julian for a reasonable fee... he also re-set some of the tiles, dealt with a damp problem and tried to sort out the intermittent fault with the loo - but didn't, I don't think anyone can, it';s something to do with water pressure I suspect.  So we wil have to live with the intermittent door banging noises...

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