For some strange reason when I began to type the title for this entry the above phrase appeared in the box - I suspect it's the name of one of the bands dear to the boys. It seemed better than the title I had thought of - especially as the Dishwashers' Union is active in the kitchen as I write - all 3 of them.
Why am I writing? Because I can - just - after a couple of glasses of wine. I am amazed, I think I actually missed Mark today...
The next few weekends are going to be odd. In a mad attempt to earn some money I have been talked into getting a market stall in Margate to sell baked goods - I'm calling it Bread of Heaven! The cheek of it - but maybe someone will notice the Christian reference - and maybe someone will take my card...
Had a lovely surprise today - an unexpected cheque for £150 and £50 cash from Mark's mother and M has an odd "cash in hand" job next week - so we can start hoarding money and putting it into a bank asap. I have described the current financial situation as fighting dragons while anvils rain on me.... but today I was seized by accidia - I wonder why it stopped being one of the 7 Deadly Sins? - and did virtually nothing, until I forced myself to go out. I did do somethings, but somehow when the internet isn't working properly it is distracting and ennervating, and I feel too irritable to cope with stuff.
Feel convinced there is some hideous virus in the imputer - but apparently there has been a lot of trouble recently with broadband and mobile phones, and everyone is getting jumpy about how dependent we are on them. True - but I could go back to putting letters in envelopes and looking things up in books again if necessary. I could even make phone calls.
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