Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 19 May 2011

Snoozy schlepper

After a fantastic evening of reading group (this is not the monthly book group but 4 of us who meet to discuss and share books we like... ) I tried to work this morning - didn't get far, took M to station, and went to buy provisions.

Came home shattered and ravenous and ate tons of pistachios and crab sticks.  Then I lay down and went to sleep!  I awoke at 5.00pm to find Finn in my bedroom grumbling because he'd been ringing the doorbell for half an hour (allegedly) and had had to climb over the wall and come in through the back door - which was open as usual.

I politely pointed out that he was meant to have keys with him. Ironic this, because when I got home at 1.30 last night the door was locked and Finn was the one who came down to let me in.  I heard his voice saying "mum?" nervously from within.   It was extremely wet - it must have rained for that 10 minutes when I walked home, because it had made no difference to the pond level. 

This really isn't very interesting is it?  So I have to say, why am I writing it when I could be reading "The Blue Flower" by Penelope Fitzgerald?  I dunno, because I haven't done very much today - this is because I did a lot yesterday - and so today has been a bit of a slump. 

I woke from the afternoon slumber feeling extremely depressed, but it wore off after a cup of tea and an episode of the Simpsons with the boys. 

Someone hinted at fostering as a financial solution - a couple of thousand a month would mean we could pay off our debts in a few years.  And do all sorts of things around the house, and go on holidays.   But would I be able to cope?   And what would happen to the firm of HamlynHolmans.... ?

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