Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 7 January 2012

The great clear out!

Have spent the day amidst clouds of dust... my little office is being converted into an extra bedroom to house a student.  I am going to be working in my bedroom - so we moved the big desk into the bedroom - I sorted out all the drawers, got rid of stuff etc.  It was great.   I now have a better working area in the bedroom - not ideal I know, but essential at present.  I am only going to have 3 trays: financial, domestic and editorial.  Everything else will just have to go. 

There is still a lot to do upstairs: not quite sure how we can stow all the box files etc.  We couldn't get any boxes from Waitrose except tiny little ones.  They are quite useful though for certain items. 

What is astonishing is how much stationery we have.  I will be very surprised if I need to buy any more envelopes or lined pads in the next 10 years.  And pens, and pencils!  Ludicrous.  I am sending some old stuff to a charity in the Gambia.  Anything to clear up the house a bit.   I must try and throw away more stuff.

Tomorrow I am going to have to deal with the contents of the bookshelves and the Victorian cupboard.  Everything is going in the spare room at present, but this is not ideal.  Especially as we will need it for a week for 2 chinese students on 28th January.   I don't think I have bitten off more than I can chew..., but...I also have to submit the synopsis for the new version of the novel - and get cracking with that.  

Actually, I am so happy about that that everything seems possible.  I know the new version of TRF is going to be much better.  I always wanted it to have proper lurve and sex in it - and only sensitivity to Mark prevented that.  Now I can write Bill out of the book - and change the first husband to an unrecognisable character - and there will be no more mention of it being "autobiographical"... and it won't be either.

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