Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 9 March 2012


While I was waiting for the Full Moon in the 11th house to make all my wishes come true, I received an email from a first cousin once removed who lives about 30 minutes drive away.

I have always wanted to get to know more of my Irish family - we're all in the diaspora - and I knew I once had a great uncle in Dover... but I was amazed that this cousin was so close, and so closely related.  Of course I have loads of cousins I've never met of a similar degree... and they were put onto me by a cousin in the US... I wonder if its' one of Frankie's weird having all this genetic material in the world without any contact.  So glad to put something right.I hope to learn a lot, since Terry Carroll is Uncle Joe's son, he must have heard a great deal.

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