Time for some pictures - so far I have managed to have the most boring looking blog on the internet, due to my limited DTP skills. So a few pictures will occasionally enliven this.
This is my back garden, taken last year 1st May. Looking at it I am wondering what has happened to some of those plants - a cold winter and the terrible way that tulips seem to disappear after a year or so, and the sad fact that my favourite narcissus, pheasant's eye - and all its variants, don't seem to like my garden - that clump has come up blind this year.
And this is my front door - the peeling pillars are an inheritance from the former owners, who painted the red brick pink and the stone top of the pillars gold - nice for 70's Copenhagen, or 60's California, or Islington, but not for Ramsgate in the late 90's. One day I will manage to remove that paint... there's a product specially for getting paint off brickwork.
A view of Ramsgate beach.... too many flints for totally relaxed entry to the sea, but it's lovely once you get in, and usually lovely throughout July, August and September: take one bottle of chilled wine, a pile of olives, some tomato foccacia and some reading material and you have a perfect day on the beach. On leaving the beach you may stop at the Belgian Bar for a drink - or anywhere else along the Harbour... a few more olives a bit more wine... then toddle home, a ten minute walk... why I love living here. However, it begs the question, what does one do in the other 9 months?
And here is a lovely thing... a metal sculpture of a boar - rootling around the spring flowers at the Salutation gardens in Sandwich... a wonderful combination of nature and culture, which I suppose is what gardening is all about.
That's enough pics for the present I think.
This is my back garden, taken last year 1st May. Looking at it I am wondering what has happened to some of those plants - a cold winter and the terrible way that tulips seem to disappear after a year or so, and the sad fact that my favourite narcissus, pheasant's eye - and all its variants, don't seem to like my garden - that clump has come up blind this year.
And this is my front door - the peeling pillars are an inheritance from the former owners, who painted the red brick pink and the stone top of the pillars gold - nice for 70's Copenhagen, or 60's California, or Islington, but not for Ramsgate in the late 90's. One day I will manage to remove that paint... there's a product specially for getting paint off brickwork.
A view of Ramsgate beach.... too many flints for totally relaxed entry to the sea, but it's lovely once you get in, and usually lovely throughout July, August and September: take one bottle of chilled wine, a pile of olives, some tomato foccacia and some reading material and you have a perfect day on the beach. On leaving the beach you may stop at the Belgian Bar for a drink - or anywhere else along the Harbour... a few more olives a bit more wine... then toddle home, a ten minute walk... why I love living here. However, it begs the question, what does one do in the other 9 months?
And here is a lovely thing... a metal sculpture of a boar - rootling around the spring flowers at the Salutation gardens in Sandwich... a wonderful combination of nature and culture, which I suppose is what gardening is all about.
That's enough pics for the present I think.
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