Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 16 March 2012

Rich man, poor man...

Well, the most extraordinary man came to dinner tonight... at first I thought he was a performance artist.  He kept telling me how extraordinary I was - and it got a bit boring, like a stuck record.  At the end of the evening he said that he would never ever have people in his house he didn't know.  How did I know they wouldn't sue me if they slipped and hurt their ankle...?  I said I had to trust they wouldn't be so silly - it was England after all.  He said "in America...?"  I really couldn't make him out.  I felt there was this huge barrier between us (of his making), M said he was aspergic, but I felt it was the kind of barrier people put up to protect themselves.    I have to say, he is the first intriguing person I have met for a long time, and I rather hope he keeps to his plan to take me and Keith (our local PC) out to lunch.

He kept saying "this is the most extraordinary thing that has happened to me in 57 years"... Since he appears to be rather rich and has made money on Wall Street and has 4 houses, I find this difficult to believe.  Perhaps he is just wondering about the normal life we have. Apparently he is a rower and a member of the Leander club.  He will probably get bored with me before I get bored with him, since I don't mind telling people about myself, and he obviously is more discreet.  Anyway, I was glad he came - he made life interesting... and we made £120 which was a good haul... I haven't done the sums, but I'm sure that's a really decent profit.    I wonder if Kip will take me out to lunch in Whitstable... I think he's looking for a guru rather than a woman... so I'm probably safe.  Especially if I have a police bodyguard!

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