Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 16 August 2012

Stress - the irrational explanation: Saturn vs. Mars

Just out of interest... 15th August was a day when Mars was conjunct Saturn - astrologers warned about that day - but I always find the days before these things are more important... and what's been happening to us in the last few days is very close to the symbolism of Mars/Saturn - Mars has the energy - is urging to rush forward, Saturn has the leaden boots on and is holding it back... so while we are keen to know for sure about Ned's result - whether he will be admitted to UEA, we need to wait on the University, (Saturn).  We got into the car (Mars) and drove off - but Saturn messed with the starter motor... We were having a lovely social time on Saturday - full of Mars... when Ned got mugged and Saturn dragged us away to do the parental duty... Mark's tv appearance, scheduled tomorrow has been postponed until Monday...I tried to get everything ready for the programme distribution tomorrow - and Saturn drags us back by stymieing the car...

I expect this is just a coincidence - but it would be good if things settled down a bit... tomorrow is the famous new Moon in 10th house... I think this ought to be a day of glory, especially since the Moon is within 1 degree of my natal Sun... and it's trine Mars and Saturn... which suggests that the push-pull thing will go on.    and the Uranus sextile natal Venus is almost exact... but that doesn't mean much.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring (sweet FA probably!).  I have had it in mind that The Agent will call - but that's just my fantasy - if she does, it will be to ask for more changes (Saturn) - well, no matter, what we struggle through with Saturn provides a more stable foundation for the future...In the end, Mars speeds away from Saturn and  leaves the restrictions behind.

Oh dear, that's more than enough astrology I think.

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