Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 22 December 2012

First feast, a row, a broken grate, police intervention etc.

The first Christmas feast is over - M's mother, brother Tom, sister in law Anne and niece Alice came to lunch - with Gina there were 9 of was fun, but utterly exhausting.  The children and Mark did the tree and a certain amount of housework - I concentrated on the cooking - the meal was pretty good, but I did something rather extraordinary - I forgot to add the cream to the Gratin Dauphinoise - was I unconsciously trying to make a less fattening version?  Clearly I was not really concentrating enough.

I got very angry at about 12.50 - when Ned broke part of the cast iron grate and started howling - just as M was dressing painfully slowly and about to go and get everyone from the station.  I shouted "I am never going to do this again, this is the last TIME!"
Then I bellowed "For God's sake - it's a disaster Ned, but there's no point shouting about it - get the dining room grate and see if it fits..."   We then resumed normal service - I came down dressed (I had been up since 6.30 cooking in my dressing gown) Ned made a sensible grate substitute and Mark went to get them while I checked out the table settting (Finn and Gina did it)...

It was really nice having Gina here - she was helpful because she could do lots of little sensible things so I didn't have to.

The meal was great - croquettas de jamon were very popular - as was the dreaded garlic foccacia... the ham was OK, veg ok - the Christmas pudding recipe was fabulous - I am going to do it every year, really nice.  I am a bit dubious about the brandy butter ice cream - kids happy with brownies...

Once we had exchanged tokens of whatever it is we feel for each other (I got a carving knife and a nightdress... no doubt there's a message there) they went rapidly.  I then found myself assailed with thoughts of the LO, which was disturbing and annoying.  Perhaps it was just a case that the need to play Fantasy Husbands was particularly strong at Christmas...

I was awakend from my reverie by a call from the police who had come across Finn and his chums huddled in the multi-storey car park smoking (in Finn's case) and drinking (the others).  I find it slightly difficult to approve of the police devoting so much time to harassing teenagers - but perhaps they think they are "nipping  it in the bud" - whatever "it" is.  Anyway Finn and Oscar returned, very chastened in Finn's case - coolly pragmatic in Oscar's.  Finn said he was glad he'd lost his smoking stuff - since he would now give up smoking sooner... so there's the silver lining I suppose.

Very tired, hope to rest before going to Sue & Kit's party tommorrow... have agreed to have Alexander around for drinks on Christmas Eve - which should be pleasant - perhaps I should ask some other people - but then I'd have to cook.  I am really off cooking at the moment - and even drinking.  Wonderful!  But I am not going to even think about tracking my eating habits over the period...

I feel as if I am off duty - but in fact, there is still a hell of a lot to do.  Ice the other cake, make the pudding for Christmas day, get the turkey, ham and tongue sorted, stuffings etc.

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