Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 14 January 2013


OK, I admit, haven't taken down all the decorations yet - I'm maintaining that liturgically it is still Christmas (till Candlemas) so it doesn't matter!  I have tidied up the kitchen a bit, but I haven't done the tax - and so on.

Things have looked up a bit - yes, we still have virtually no money till the end of February, and the potential Australian visitor proved to be a time-waster - so goodbye £75... sigh!  But on the plus side, we have a small, quick job - about £1200 - which is good, and some other stone related work, and we will probably get the Hammill job, although they aren't going to like the expense (not our fault - KCC specifications rule).  It doesn't improve the immediate prospects, for the next 6 weeks or so, but it does mean that the medium term prospects are better, and that if we get the Hammill job, we should be able to keep going until August.   Nevertheless, I still think the economy drive now is a good thing - it will teach us all to take our resources more seriously - and that we can't just borrow every time things go wrong.   If used carefully, we might manage to actually save some money this time - as long as the tax bill isn't too awful.

And I have had a constructive day - re-writing and adding more dialogue to the novel - in a desperate attempt to make it less narrator driven.  And we will have a delicious meal of left overs soon too - so all is well!

I feel almost cheerful - having felt desperate yesterday.  There was snow last night - the crab apple tree looked as if it had been sprayed with crazy foam.  Although it was a grey, dim sort of day, it didn't depress me, and I think praying, and talking to M helped somehow.

M's father seems very ill - M was upset after he saw him yesterday, he thinks he won't last another month.  I had an idea at the end of last year that someone might die in January, but then again, I have these ideas occasionally, sometimes they are right, well, I was right about my mother.

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