Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 20 January 2013

Snowed in/toed in/family time

Of course we're not snowed in - 10-15 cm snow doesn't do that - but our road is a small one and no one brings salt and grit down here, so we tend to find it difficult/dangerous to move our cars.

It has been snowing all day - i.e. since I woke at 8.00 when it had already begun to settle, until about an hour or so ago.  Finn is very much hoping not to go to school tomorrow.  Our house, being old and not endowed with really hot central heating or double glazing, tends to be cold.  This morning I spent a happy time on a symptoms website - I looked through about 20 different possible explanations for my toe pain and boiled it down to 3: osteoarthritis, peripheral neuropathy and matatarsalgia (this is a funny one - it means: metatarsal pain - I suppose it's one of those catch-all things GPs can tell you - and it means very little, but sounds serious).  GP's hate patients who have Latin & Greek degrees I imagine.   Anyway, since it isn't red, warm and swollen, I can dismiss gout as a possibility, which is a relief.  My foot was numb and hurting a lot, a combination I never understand - how can it be numb and painful?  Surely the lack of sensation ought to block the pain - this simply indicates how little I can understand the nervous system.   I thought this would stop my walking about, in fact, I think it helped.

I spent a long time in the kitchen (bread, soup, triple-cooked chips, sponge pudding).  I also spent an hour or so painting the anaglypta wallpaper on the stairs, I painted it yellow up to the first floor and then I painted the white undercoat onto it as I reached the purple anaglypta.  Mark painted the purple ceiling.  It all looks so much brighter now, even though it's far from finished.    Then we had tea, a fire and watched Blandings which is a slightly silly tv adaptation of PG Wodehouse - with some very good actors, and then into the kitchen for steak, triple cooked chips and sponge pudding.  The chips were amazing - not perfect, but really wonderful.  We had pre-dinner drinks and crisps and generally had a nice Sunday evening.  Boys are now washing up - and then we are going to watch Finn's DVD of Up.  I think this idea of making Sunday evening a particularly special family time is a good one.

There is something good about this weather: the warmest place is under the duvet, so we've been under the duvets and watching films.  Last night we watched Good Night & Good Luck, a wonderful George Clooney film which I cannot imagine ever being made without him - Syd Field would not doubt have had something to say about the story arc!  But it was real life - so no one bothered about a story arc!   This was followed by Les Liaisons Dangereuses:  cinephiles will be horrified that I have never seen this film (the Malkovich/Close version) but I have read the book and seen the Christopher Hampton theatre adaptation twice so I didn't feel a pressing need to see it, especially when I don't think Malkovich is my idea of Valmont - or Glenn Close my idea of Mme La Marquise either... whereas Alan Rickman...and Lesley Duncan were superb.  But it was a good enough second feature - and I especially enjoyed Peter Capaldi as Valmon't valet.

So today I missed the beauties of Rammers in the snow - but I did some useful and home oriented things - must be Mars in the 4th house!

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