Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 27 January 2013

Liking weekends

I had a long phase of bad weekends, but now I am liking them again.  This weekend was great, because instead of being imprisoned indoors by poverty, we went out.  We had lunch in the Caboose - and saw the Hilliers (Jim's project is to re-read Lenin this year - like the catechism? Or the Bible?) and Tony Roche, who is always nice to talk to - then went to the pop up shop and watched some friends buy things... lovely velvet coats mostly - had chat about the care and control of adolescent boys with a fellow mother, and the gallery owner Mike - ex-army, artist, interesting perspectives, then met the other Kate H in Waitrose.  

We went to Quartet with Sheree- it was predictably heart-warming, lovely music - setting - acting, but the writing was a bit thin I thought, and a bit complacent.  The plot was lacking - it could have been made much more emotional and thrilling by a couple of small changes... there was a very touching moment when the characters hold hands - his hands have that old man sausagey look - but very consoling to think love can survive several decades of insult.  I didn't think much of the script - there were good jokes, but it was thin, and with a bit of tugging could have had more emotional impact.  But maybe it was deliberately left "realistic" maybe the things I was thinking of would have made it over the top...

The great thing about the weekends is that feeling that one doesn't have to ring clients, HMRC etc, and one can get up late.  Today finally washed hair, then fiddled around on internet for a while - researching a restaurant for my birthday... I half thought of having people over, but I knew that half way through cooking I would be saying to myself - "Why am I cooking for all these people - I should be being given treats"  what a lovely unselfish person I am!

Last year on my birthday we went and got fish and chips and opened a bottle of good wine - Sancerre is really nice with fish and chips - tho' I'd prefer a Rully or a Batard-Montrachet if I could get one... because a lot of cheaper Sancerre is a bit too flinty.  However, this year, we are wavering between eating in the local Russian/Estonian/Byelorussian restaurant...cheapish, and does pancakes (v. important for the boys) and splashing out and going to Eddie Gilberts which has become good again (not so good for boys, as mostly fish) or driving down the mirky lanes of the marshlands to find the Red Lion again.... dunno.  Does it matter?
Actually it does, I would like to have a lovely evening - and not feel (a) we wasted a lot of money (b) the food was terrible.... we'll see.  Perhaps there will be another option, as we eat out so seldom now, I guess it seems more important that it is really nice.

Maybe we could have fish and chips and Sancerre again - it's so long since we had a takeaway that even that would seem a considerable treat.  Maybe we could (M & I) go out for lunch somewhere good - and do something more fundamental in the evening... or enough already!

Finally planted about half the bulbs, the garden is disgustingly muddy and a bit grim, still have about 30 tulips and daffs to put in.  It's a bit like being a squirrel, you bury bulbs, then you put more in on top because you've forgotten where you put the first lot... This year I will launch a snailicide policy early - last year too many daffs had their faces eaten off them before their buds had opened, and some irises and alliums never got to flower at all.

It was nice to be out in the garden - there were elwesii snowdrops, hellbores, clematis iberica and lonicera fragrantissima in flower.... and vinca alba and symphytum ibericum.  The lonicera tartarica has put out a flower - about 2 months early, but has thought better of it.

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