Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 21 March 2013

Spring 2

Well, yesterday was also the first day of spring - and yet.... the skies are almost perpetually overcast, except on Tuesday, and snow is forecast down here for the weekend.  So I'm not sure about this.   However, the first camellia has flowered (yesterday) - the latest ever... and there is frogspawn in the pond, with the frogs crooning their little motor bike noises to each other.  There are a couple of daffs, primroses, crocus, violets, snowdrops hanging on, pulmonaria, blue anemones, and the quince is budding nicely.  Also birds have been seen.  There was a period during January and February when we didn't see any birds apart from seagulls for days.  Now a few blue tits are hanging around, and a blackbird.  Mark finally mowed the lawn.  It's not terribly satisfactory though - it's still bloody cold, so I am hoping for great improvements in April!

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