Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 25 March 2013

Weekend in retrospect: neurotic?

Quite honestly, this was a perfect Thanet weekend - first down with the natives on Friday, at the Friends of Ellington Park fundraising quiz - which we won.  I was a little underwhelmed to win a tube of smarties - the losers got lemons, at least I could have used the lemons!  But it was quite fun, met some nice people, and felt reasonably warm and friendly.  And before that I had had a very agreeable coffee/lunch/drink combo with Denise and Tara - vaguely talking about a pop-up cafe idea - but without really firming things up.  Denise departed and T and I continued to chat and sip for another couple of hours.

On Saturday we had a DFL evening - a private private view at the Updown Gallery to meet Piers Secunda - although weirdly enough we didn't.  Other guests included Sam and Graham (my former business partner, which I find slightly awkward), Fran F and family, Lesley Gray (the Zambian artist), the dealers in French antiques from Margate (know them by sight), a very tall man, a very blonde woman, Suzy, a handful of people I don't know... and two couples, Jenny and Brian who I've met  before - and are both very interesting and David & Julia who have lived her for 12 years, in Liverpool Lawn, but we've never met them before.  David came back and had a bottle or two of wine afterwards.   I had a hangover the following day - and wasn't functioning well until the evening when I managed to cook roast lamb and syrup sponge and custard.  Brian used to work for the BBC, the Museum of London and so on, David used to work for the Cayman Islands police force...Julia was PR suprema for the Council here for a while  (presumably after John B). I didn't manage to speak to Kate or Guy - who had prepared a feast of canapes of such excellence that few people were bothering with the smoked salmon.

After this weekend of horror I naturally felt full of self-loathing and rounded off the weekend by watching a DVD of Borat with M and the boys.  I am worried that such a pleasant sociable weekend is filling me with misery.  What did I want to do instead?   I have this illusion that if there had been some sunshine I would have felt much better.  But there wasn't, and although some was forecast for today it lasted all of ten minutes.  I can't believe it's the weather that's making me feel like this.  For several years I have wanted my life to change - and it hasn't.  I think that's probably the problem.  I had vaguely thought it might have begun to change by now, but it hasn't really.  Still, beware of what you wish for: it could change in very negative ways that would make me look back wistfully to the tranquil boredom of this era.  

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