Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Weather despair!

Alas, the cold continues, and although I am deeply thankful that we have working electricity unlike the poor people in the Isle of Arran and the Mull of Kintyre, somehow having to supplement the central heating with a fan heater is not much fun.

I woke up despairing this morning.  I don't know why.  Is it just the weather?  Or will it continue when the sun finally shines.  Today it's minus 1 first thing - and the dreaded east wind making it feel like minus 5 outside.  I have to go to Weight Watchers, I had a bad week last week because of the weekend - so I am tempted not to go.  If I have put on more weight I will simply feel like giving up, even though I have told myself I am in it for the long run.   I walked there last week, and it was actually nice and sunny.  There is no way I will walk there today.  But maybe I should get out more.

Anette came yesterday - that was jolly.  We mostly talked about our kids - she's another mother of two boys.  What a lot of friends I know have 2 boys (Linda, Tara, Anna T, er.... oh, is that all?) and no girls.  We need to form a solidarity front - all of us have a lot of toughing up to do for our old ages, when we will not be nurtured much by our sons - or else ensure that the sons find really nice girls who will nudge them into being nice to us.

Ok - that was me trying to be positive - but basically inside I am howling again.  Even my treasured fantasy doesn't sustain me.  All I can imagine is how many things would be awful if it was ever fulfilled.  I'm not depressed in the self-pitying, highly-sensitive, bursting into tears way I was in the summer of the Citalopram events... was that 2010?  I think it was.  This is something different.  Will I feel better if spring comes?  I suspect that every winter I go onto "coping mode" but I only set the timer until mid-March - and now "coping  mode" switched off, leaving me with my natural, resentful and unhappy feelings.  I'm only resentful about the weather - but it's this horrible sense that nothing feels right, that nothing is pleasurable.

It is in this state that I must summon the clan to come and see the Tom Taylor extravaganza!  I am doubtful whether the weather will have improved by 4th May!

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