Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 1 April 2013

Ian Duncan Smith: I am reproved!

I try not to say mean things - in fact, my refusal to join in general hate/ bitch sessions is one of my chief failings in some people's eyes.  But I realise that I am still pretty angry about a lot of things, and currently I do have a few hate figures.  One of them is Ian Duncan Smith.  What I feel is not a visceral personal hatred towards him, but a real hatred for what the government's polices, which he promotes and represents, are towards the poor. I am extremely angry about the difficulties and suffering these policies will inflict on people...   I was very touched a few years ago when he clearly had an epiphany about what it was to be poor after seeing some genuine poverty.

Today he says he could live off £53 a week.  This is utter rubbish, no one can live off £53 a week - we can't live off £13,000 pa - which is far more - despite the oh so generous tax credits.  So if we, with years of experience of genteel poverty and a middle class background and all our own furniture and stuff cannot manage on our earnings, how can people manage on so much less - and how could a bourgeois git with no experience of necessary frugality (as opposed to the purely miserish kind) possibly live off it.   Begone from my sight IDS and stop telling lies!

My father says Jesus loves IDS, and I nod sadly, Jesus does, but I am unable to.  He might even mean well, but he really doesn't know what he's talking about.  I do not think a modest critique of him qualifies as sin... are we not allowed to use our God given intellects to criticise bad actions carried out by people?  If this is the case, evil would flourish everywhere...

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