Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 24 August 2013

I hate everyone

Well, I don't , only a certain select handful of people.  I simply adore some other people.  I have drink taken - chiefly as antidote to other people's bad behaviour... I could have spent the evening chatting to chums - but I was "on duty" - and suffering the weird experience of seeing people behaving irrationally badly - and irrationally well.   And seeing really quite sensible grown up people reduced to rage by bad behaviour, and for once thinking that Ned - who is usually a tad on the volatile side,  might have been right when he described someone as a "psychopath".

I should be dancing in the streets - there is so much to celebrate - my stint at the UpDown Gallery is OVER. I don't know why that should be such a cause of rejoicing, but it is.   I have observed some very erratic behaviour... I make allowances, people are tired, stressed, and so on.  Yet, one sees a dynamic that one doesn't feel at all comfortable with... we have been riven assunder as a group by a couple of very driven, very desperate people who have been unnecessarily nasty to us, whose superficial charm covers some very disagreeable behaviour.  I have seen a room full of really upset teenagers - almost frightened by the verbal criticism.  No one should have to put up with that.  These kids had done nothing wrong, apart from fail to observe some weird, made up on the hoof protocols that no one had told them about, largely because the people who made them up had only just decided to implement them.   Arrrrrgggghhhh.   I hope I won't have to confront these people - but there may be a point at which I will have to defend the kids and their work and efforts against the forces of market capitalism... or whatever it is that this delightful couple stand for.

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