Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 5 August 2013

Susan Miller's forecasts - July

She means well, she means so well, but she is doing us a disservice.

July was an extremely difficult month for me, starting with the argument with my mother in law on 30th June, followed by a week or so of preparations for the funeral in which she continued to have go's at us in various ways.  The funeral itself (12th) was fine, but afterwards I  became progressively more exhausted and by 19th July was wishing I wasn't here (or anywhere) any more and going to the doctor to see if I could have anti-depressants again. I worked hard on submissions, and managed abour 4.  As the month closed I was under incredible pressure with the work involving the Open Exhibition.  I felt angry, stressed, horrible.  I saw friends but nothing really seemed to reach me - occasionally an evening of booze and chat relieved the tension.   It was hot and beautiful, but I never made it to the beach.  I was indoors on the laptop.  I was submitting the novel, and not being able to write the other one.  I realised what I needed to do to the other one, but I also realised I couldn't start doing it now, so a frustrating time creatively too.

A bloody awful month, so it is just as well I didn't believe Susan Miller's prediction - for Scorpio, my ascendant, she said  A wonderful month ahead.   After 9th July money improves - well, we had a couple of extra students, but no new work, and on 22nd the boiler broke down (£300) and we had to be bailed out by my father.

From 8th July we were under the "golden triangle" which should have been especially fantastic because it was conjunct my ascendant - and Mars was in it too... it would be hard to find any way in which the last few weeks have been full of golden opportunities for me (apart from the submissions) - although Mark has actually been finding new potential sources of funding.  17th-19th  Peak of Golden Triangle - this will be a marvellous month for fun and love and you could find someone new in your life.... well, maybe I've rediscovered Mark's virtues...

My actual Sun sign horoscope was more accurate, it stressed that it would be a hardworking month.  It was, but I was not working hard for money, or for my own satisfaction, but on keeping other people happy... looking after the students, supporting the loathesome Stella, supporting Anna T (a bit) and then sorting out the open exhibition.  The only period when I was working for myself (potentially for money) was the period when I was doing submissions (15th-19th).  Apparently the work is going to continue until October - oh great!  Will I ever manage to write again?

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